Move to Nantes if.....

Nantes has a rich history of commerce and development that dates back to 18th century and this shows how the city is always evolving. I lived in Nantes and feel confident enough to suggest people to move here when you are ready to evolve and the credit goes to this 6th largest city of France.

Move to Nantes if you wanna be a STUDENT:
The University is attended by approximately 34,500 students. More than 10% of them are international students coming from 110 countries every year and this gives opportunity to feel home with your fellow mates and also equally learning and sharing experiences with the french. NANTES student community is one of the popular communities in France next to Paris. There is a good amount of Indian students pursuing their masters in Nantes. Without saying , The ESN has a strong presence and also they are very approachable, friendly and communicative.

ESN – ESN organizes a multi-cultural event every year and rewards the winners as well. Every country puts up a stall portraying their culture, food and language. It’s a day open to public and students. Columbia won this year :)
ESN - multi-cultural day 2016

MIEF – It’s a centre for International Students to find more information on their life in Nantes. They respond emails in 2 days too :) This place is near the Hotel Dieu tram stop and provides all information for the foreign students and also students could check their visa queries here

Move to Nantes if you wanna be an ENTREPRENEUR:

Many told me that I know a lot about doing business (as a foreigner) in Nantes and that’s purely because of the way things function when you want to do business here. The POCs are pretty easy to work with and once you have few appointments with the responsible officials, you get help, support, guidance and so on. Three links below would narrow down the wide search on how to create your company in Nantes.

ADIE – Get financial help and guidance for your business
Entrepreneurs - La Maison de la Création et de la Transmission d’Entreprise – I love this name as it took a while to memorize and this is the place to go when you have an idea to start your own business.
Knowing Nantes Biz  - A closed face book group that helps you find co-working space for your start-ups, sharing entrepreneurial ideas etc..

Move to Nantes if you wanna know HISTORY:
Nantes has its own share of French history and I 
thank my history professor for sharing these
information. Starting from the Protestants and Catholics war , Nantes played a role in slavery due to its economic and commercial affairs and also Nantes had world’s first common transport as Omni Bus in the entire world. This makes me understand why TAN – the public transport in Nantes is ranked one of the best in Europe. The streets were prostitutions happened still exists with the same architechture and designed balconies that you could see while taking a walk once you reach the tram stop Médiatheque (Ligne 1).

Slavery – Though it’s a touristic spot to understand the slavery in French history , many Nantaises feel that this place is kinda hidden and lots of money was invested to construct this.
LU – How a biscuit factory turned to an artistic place! It’s a must visit not only to know history of Nantes but also to enjoy the art exhibition :) This is the best place to buy souvenirs

These are just 3 simple reasons from a person who lived in Nantes for just 8 months and am sure the list goes on when you visit or talk to a Nantaise.


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