Hold on! check these before signing your CDI

When you reached this level of getting a job contract, you should appreciate yourself for the achievement first J Now, understanding a CDI contract is tough even for a French person. That surely relaxes us a bit! Isn’t it? Also, not everyone hires a lawyer to understand their contract. Certain important elements, can be read, re-read to make it easier on both the ends.

Un autre part:
In the first page, please verify your details such as name, address, your numéro de carté de séjour, its validity, the place of delivery, date of expiry and so on. This is very basic and important in renewing your contract in future.


This part clearly explains your designation as per law and your level defined by the French labor law. You could also see your domain name and its number to verify your rights in future according to the French labor law.Again, it is not easy to understand but you know where you could look for in your contract at least for those details.

La période d'essai:
This paragraph explains if you have a probation period or not. During your probation period, you enjoy all the benefits as an employee however it gets confirmed after the mentioned duration. When your CDD converts to a CDI, the probation is generally avoided as you are known and your work is proven already during your CDD phase. I suggest you to talk to your boss before the periode de essai ends about your work feedback as this helps in confirming the CDI

This talks about money J Please verify your salary mentioned here if that’s what you
agreed upon with your boss. You could use the SMIC calculator to verify the correct numbers as well. When you exceed , 35 hours per week , you are entitled to get 25% extra on your per hour pay. However, some employers may provide the extra hours as PRIME. There are many types of PRIME depending on your work domain. Please ask your boss about how it will be paid to you and then am sure you won’t understand so google to know more ;)

You will hear these two words often when you talk to anyone about your salary: Salaire brut (The salary entitled)  and Salaire net ( your pay after deductions, tax, etc.,)
Please calculate your correct salary here

Salaire (base 1500€)Salaire brutSalaire net
Horaire 9,89€7,62€
Mensuel1 500€1 115€
Annuel18 000€13 860€

Statut et avantages sociaux:
This concerns the 30% insurance by your employer. Once you sign your contract, the employer must ask you to sign in the insurance form with your details and his details. The employer must send this form to the GPS cedex (Gestion Prestation Service) and then you should receive your insurance card besides the carte vital for your medical reimbursement.

Always French Friends:
Talk to your french friends and ask them to help you understand more about how things work in France. Two things you must do once you get a work contract. Scan a copy of it and send it to your trustworthy french friends to decode it.


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